Mapping From a DWG- Can You Have Certain Layers In a DWG Not Come Through?

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Hayden Hoggard
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:20 am

Mapping From a DWG- Can You Have Certain Layers In a DWG Not Come Through?

Post by Hayden Hoggard »

I have set up a mapping file for reading in survey DWG, and mapping a whole lot of layers in the DWG to around ten models in 12d (drainage, sewer, vegetation etc). I have added a catch all "*" at the end to move anything that hasnt been coded properly to a Misc model, however this isnt as much of a catch all as I would have hoped. I am still getting a few extra models in 12d when reading in the DWG (this is to do with having layers in the DWG with definitions but no objects, such as layers in blocks etc. I have ticked "Only load visible layers" so this should ignore these layers but I guess because it has something defined on this layer it brings it through to 12d as an empty model).

What I want is a way to ignore anything in the DWG that doesnt fit the "Key" in the mapping file, so it doesnt come through to 12d. Is there a way to do this? I dont want to have to manipulate the DWG as this is a file controlled by the Survey team, therefore I dont have the required permissions to do this.

Also, when mapping through blocks in the DWG, is there a way to preserve the size of the block from the DWG (without ticking the "Explode" option). I have had to use the "Symbols" mapping in the map file to redefine the symbol, as it was coming through as a completely different symbol. When you redefine the symbol you have to select a height for the symbol, therefore I am assuming it is overriding the size attributes of the block and setting it all as one size. The problem is I am getting all my trees coming through as the same size symbol, however in the DWG the block has been scaled up and down depending on the size of the tree.
Hayden H
Ed Wilson
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Re: Mapping From a DWG- Can You Have Certain Layers In a DWG Not Come Through?

Post by Ed Wilson »

like you say the dwg could have layers with nothing on it, layers which were only used to define blocks (but nothing on) and so on...

I do what you suggested there with a last row * catch all. Next thing I do is delete empty unlocked models

The block (/symbol) size thing... maybe no one ever asked for that before
Hayden Hoggard
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:20 am

Re: Mapping From a DWG- Can You Have Certain Layers In a DWG Not Come Through?

Post by Hayden Hoggard »

Yea I can definitely delete all empty models after that. It would be nicer to get this to a one step process though.

I'm amazed there isnt an option in the mapping file to also select which layers DONT map across, on top of layers that do map
Hayden H
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