Hi there,
Can anyone explain to me that how I can change the defaults for my 12d?
The defaults that I am interested to change are many, but if I know how I can change this example, then I might be able to figure out the rest.
I think 12d section view grids come in green for grid lines and yellow for values as defaults. I appreciate that the desired colours and x and y values for this instance could be written and saved in the user folder as "Grid_on_View.ddx". But this applies to my computer only and the other users in the office would not be able to use this setup, unless the get a copy of my user folder.
Similarly, the setup for contours could be saved as "Tin_Draw_Contours_for_View.ddx" and so on for the other options!
My current ddx files:
I was wondering if I can add all this values in a setup or env files where 12d can pick my colours and other values instead of the defaults? This way all the other users can use the same setups.
Also, the other similar issue! Whenever I open a new plan/section/ or any view it opens as wide as my both monitors which is very frustrating that I cannot find the default values (width & height) and change them to my preferences.
Any help on this (or if you could share the relevant setup files as examples) would be highly appreciated.
View size default & Grids and Contours defaults _ Colours, sizes and intervals etc.
Hi Dan,
Not sure how others do it but this is what I do.
With the views I run a chain on the creation of a new project via "macros.4d", this checks for views and if they aren't there it then creates them. I have view favourite files which it uses to set the view sizes and colours etc and whatever else you want customised. So all is done each time I create a new project. I also use it to set my workspace as well.
As for the panels, I'm not sure of anyway to achieve what you want other than using the ddx files. Either copy into everyone's user folder or if on a network you could put user folder there and point the user to it via the env_configs.4d.
Not sure how others do it but this is what I do.
With the views I run a chain on the creation of a new project via "macros.4d", this checks for views and if they aren't there it then creates them. I have view favourite files which it uses to set the view sizes and colours etc and whatever else you want customised. So all is done each time I create a new project. I also use it to set my workspace as well.
As for the panels, I'm not sure of anyway to achieve what you want other than using the ddx files. Either copy into everyone's user folder or if on a network you could put user folder there and point the user to it via the env_configs.4d.
And if you want more views setup the same use the clone view button.
Many possible answers, above is good one.
Sounds like you office does not have a central, shared user_lib and setips ???
Sounds like you office does not have a central, shared user_lib and setips ???
As far as I know, there's no way to explicitly set some of those default settings. They're just defaults inherent in 12d and have been for many years (decades?). The method suggested by Robert is how I'd do things, too. Can run them at startup or via toolbar/menus.
If you want them to be consistent across the company, then you need to look at a common User/Customer area as Ed said.
If you want them to be consistent across the company, then you need to look at a common User/Customer area as Ed said.
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View new VS view create
Options in the menus
Create has a field for favourites file so your new view will be exactly as you want it.
View new VS view create
Options in the menus
Create has a field for favourites file so your new view will be exactly as you want it.