Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

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Adam Tegg
Posts: 18
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Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Adam Tegg »

Hey guys,

In the "Chainages/Uprights" section of the ppf editor, I'm have a bit of trouble getting the clearances to plot on the service clashes.

All the relevant models are in the "Corridors" list and the "Cuts" list. I even when back into the network editor and made sure the relevant crossing models were included in the service clash file just in case that helped.

I can get the invert level, size and name to appear but I can't get the clearance to show up.

Hopefully this one has a quick fix I just cant see.

Thanks for your help.
Owen Thornton
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Re: Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Owen Thornton »

Adam Tegg wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:54 pm Hey guys,

In the "Chainages/Uprights" section of the ppf editor, I'm have a bit of trouble getting the clearances to plot on the service clashes.

All the relevant models are in the "Corridors" list and the "Cuts" list. I even when back into the network editor and made sure the relevant crossing models were included in the service clash file just in case that helped.

I can get the invert level, size and name to appear but I can't get the clearance to show up.

Hopefully this one has a quick fix I just cant see.

Thanks for your help.
The models in the Service clash file are critical, here. They need to be the same models listed in the Corridors branch of the PPF editor. The WNE's Set Node Details, or Regrade Links buttons, will set a whole bunch of "service *" attributes on the links, that are used by the plotting code to label the clearances. If the attributes aren't there, or don't match, you don't get clearances labelled.
Adam Tegg
Posts: 18
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Re: Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Adam Tegg »

set node details sorted it out.

thanks for your help.

Brady Williams
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Re: Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Brady Williams »

Hi Owen,

Is this service upright clearance in the PPF editor supposed to work on Super Alignments in pipe mode as well?

Was attempting to do this in V15.0C1b and couldn't get them to appear. Looked at the attriutes of the Super Alignement and it had no attributes set even though the clearance check was working in the outputs window after setting pit details.

Coverting the Super Alignment to a pipeline string fixed the problem.

Owen Thornton
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Re: Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Owen Thornton »

The attributes are on the water string links. It should work. Will check again tomorrow.
Owen Thornton
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Re: Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Owen Thornton »

Note also that you need to press Set Node Details or Regrade Pipes in the WNE, for the link attributes to be calculated. I have confirmed that it is (almost) working with Super Alignment pipelines in the Service clash file, in v15. I didn't test v14, but I don't think there is a difference.

In my test, it treats the Super Alignment as though it isn't a pipeline. Non-zero vertical clearances will therefore only be correct if the pipeline is "invert justified and above" or "obvert justified and below" the Water string. And the Water string's link attribute "service height#" is missing (where # = <blank>, 2, 3, ...) to document the diameter/height of the crossing service. I will report this to the programmers, now.
Brady Williams
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Re: Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Brady Williams »

Hi Owen,

Thanks for that and after you hit Set Node Details or Regrade Pipes in the WNE, these clearances then appeared on the Water Plot as well or just in the output window?

I had the Super Alignment set as a pipe, obvert justified and it was working within the WNE i.e. I could check the output window after hitting Set Node Details and Regrade Pipes (I hit both) and it was showing me the service clearance.

After this I tried plotting my service upright (with my service model specified in both corridor and cuts) with a clearance and even though the chainage and diameter were plotting, clearance wasn't (name would also plot if I ticked it on). Could this be due to the missing attribute?
Owen Thornton
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Re: Water Long Section PPF - Service Clearance

Post by Owen Thornton »

Yes, I think the missing "service height" attribute is the problem with the plots. And the "service clearance" attribute would be wrong more than half of the time, too, on average.
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